In order to keep our community safe and friendly, all profiles can be moderated. Be nice to other people and follow some basic rules:

1. No nudity or sexual advances: it is prohibited to trouble others will vulgar or intimidating comments, asking them to perform sexual actions, exposing your genital body organs, directing your camera lower than your chest.

2. No deceptive behavior: do not post photos that are not your own

3. No hate: do not tease others in concern to their color, birth, race etc.

4. No violence: do not depict or act in any violent manner

5. No spamming: do not spam any links or promote any products or social accounts

6. Maintain privacy: do not ask other users for their address, full name or other private information

7. No intellectual property violations: do not display videos, play music or show any other content or brands you don’t have permission to

8. No sales of any kind: you are not allowed to sell any kind of product using our service

9. Do not spread false information

10. Do not bully or harass others

11. Do not promote or show self-harm, eating disorders or any other dangerous activity

Keep it safe and keep it friendly. Thank you.

Update: It has come to our attention that some users are adding naked or lewd images into their profile. Effecting immediately, this is a bannable offence and your profile will be removed without a warning.

Same goes for sending lewd images or text to to other people, either in private messages or in public chat. Although this is a service aimed to individuals of 18 years of age or more, we are still responsible to keep things civilized and our service at the highest level.

Thank you for understanding.